Skid (Dean Young)

October 23, 2008 at 2:16 pm (Inked, Poetry Workshop) (, , , , , , )

I wake in pjs crenellated and badged,/my head full of 18th century French/battle strategies. My god! I’m Napoleon!/What can I possibly say to my creative/writing class now?


What to say about Dean Young? First and most importantly, of course, he’s coming to TCNJ in the spring to give a reading and host a master poetry class – hence the sudden obsession. He’s a surrealist which, as I told our Student Finance Board members, means… he’s really cool. He’s self-reflexive and self-conscious, and sometimes a bit self-involved. His poems jump from one place to another with little explanation, sometimes presenting two seemingly unconnected, completely unrelated thoughts in adjacent sentences (parataxis! hooray postmodernism!). I like apples.

He’s also really, really funny. As we said in poetry class, there’s no “getting” his poetry unless you “get” the humor in it. Everyone I know whom I have shared this book with (Skid) has fallen madly in love with Dean. Sometimes I think his poems have an almost dream-like quality to them, in the way they jump from image to image and place to place and thought to thought… but then I think, not dream: real life. Our minds work that way, jumping around when we aren’t engaging them in one thing: ADD is the new pink.

Anyway, if you’re reading this and you’re in the vicinity of TCNJ, stay posted for more information about Dean’s reading and class in the Spring.

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